…"At The Crest" out now via 7K!

22.11.22, frontview-magazine.be

Read the entire article here

“At The Crest” is a triumph that's epic in scale yet intimate in emotion. Its quiet artistry and neo-classical elegance shine through as tracks slowly shift and moods close in while you barely notice. That in itself is a metaphor for life in which the slow passing of time brings about grand changes in a subtle fashion. The opener ‘Rain From A Blue Sky' is full of hope, the title track has a more uncertain atmosphere, and 'Two Seas' keeps you in gentle suspense. The sheer size of 'In The Mountains' leaves you in awe, and 'Limfjordståge' is both delicate and devastating. Clouds seem to break as rays of optimism shine through on 'Continuum,' and 'Dark Planet' is heavy and introspective before closer 'Two Suns' builds to a grand and comforting crescendo that then casts you adrift and alone in the world once more.''


Premiere: Jóhannsons „Last and First Men“


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