"For fearlessness, verve, and beauty and strength of individual timbre the six singers featured certainly deserve the five-star sweep."
—The Times
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THEATRE OF VOICES is an internationally recognized Danish vocal group which has close to 40 releases and several awards, including a Grammy and P2 awards. Theatre of Voices’ repertoire covers a wide range of genres and stretches from the earliest notated music to modern sound art installations and contemporary opera. The ensemble’s distinct, clear sound and undivided devotion to the musical material has led to many collaborations with composers such as Arvo Pärt, Steve Reich, Stockhausen, John Adams, Kaija Saariaho, Liu Sola, Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, Helena Tulve, Sunleif Rasmussen, Galina Grigorjeva, Michael Gordon, David Lang, John Luther Adams, Line Tjørnhøj, Nigel Osborne, Arnannguaq Gerstrøm, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Hildur Guðnadóttir and many more. Theatre of Vocies has added voices to film music such as as Oscar-winning La Grande Bellezza (Paolo Sorrentino), Arrival (Denis Villeneuve) and most recently with ‘horror sound’ in the Danish film The Suicide Tourist (Jonas Alexander Arnby) with Nikolaj Coster Waldau in the lead role.
The group was founded in London in 1990 by the british conductor, singer and writer Paul Hillier and is considered one of the world's leading vocal ensembles. After some years in the USA, Hillier moved back to Europe in 2004 to settle in Denmark, where the ensemble is now based. In 2013, the group was nominated for the Nordic Council Music Prize. This inspired commissioning of even more Nordic repertoire and resulted in a North Atlantic Tour in 2019 that included works from Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Denmark and Estonia featured on both concerts and local workshops.
Theatre of Voices performs at prominent international festivals, concert halls and opera houses such as the Teatro Real (Madrid), Palais Garnier (Paris), Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall (NY), Barbican Center (London), Elbphilharmonie (Hamburg), and Sydney Opera House. Season 2020 - where the Theatre of Voices celebrated its 30th anniversary - started with a huge celebration at Kings Place in London and in spite of Covid-19 restrictions continued with virtual and live activities in Germany, England, Italy, Greenland, recordings as holograms for 16 performances in Hong Kong, and ended with an online Christmas concert in collaboration with the National Bank of Colombia. The year had a special focus on environmental issues and sustainability.
In 2021, Theatre of Voices is booked for both CD recordings and festivals in Denmark, Finland and Italy (two concerts in the opening weekend of La Biennale di Venezia), and concerts in Germany (premiere by Bernd Franke) and the UK (Cambridge Music Festival and Kings Place) - with continued focus on female composers (premiere by Arnannguaq Gerstrøm), environment/sustainability (premiere by John Luther Adams and also refugee flows (premiere by Nigel Osborne). Collaboration with Rihab Azar (oud) and Naomi Sato (sho). Theatre of Voices is supported by the Danish Arts Council, Holbæk Municipality and the Augustinus Foundation.
Theatre of Voices blev grundlagt i London i 1990 af Paul Hillier. Ensemblet havde deres første koncert i Berlin med nye værker af Arvo Pärt, bl.a. hans Berliner Messe. På deres anden koncert præsenterede TOV musik af John Cage på Almeida Festivalen i London. Hillier flyttede kort efter til Californien, hvor TOV med udgangspunkt fra San Francisco-området siden optrådte rundt i hele Nordamerika og tog på flere europæiske turnéer. I 2003 flyttede Hillier tilbage til Europa, hvor Theatre of Voices har haft sin base i København lige siden.
TOV regnes for et af verdens førende vokalensembler. I dag fokuserer ensemblet hovedsageligt på den ny musik, ofte flettet sammen med tidlig musik, hvilket afspejler Hilliers livslange dedikation til hele det musikalske spektrum. Sammen har Hillier og TOV haft tætte samarbejder med adskillige komponister og ensembler: Arvo Pärt, Steve Reich, Terry Riley, John Cage, Kronos Kvartetten, John Adams, Karlheinz Stockhausen, London Sinfonietta, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Kaija Saariaho, David Lang, Michael Gordon, Pablo Ortiz, Heiner Goebbels, og mange flere.
I Danmark er det blevet til flere samarbejder med Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen, som skrev og tilegnede værker til TOV, Kronos Kvartetten og London Sinfonietta. Resultatet findes på to indspilninger for Dacapo Records. I 2016 var TOV solister i førsteopførelsen af Gudmundsen-Holmgreens sceniske non-opera, Sol går op, sol går. I 2018 var TOV solister i den danske komponist Line Tjørnhøjs musikteater-installation enTmenschT i Aarhus.
TOV optræder på fremtrædende festivaler, større spillesteder og i koncertsale verden over, men de senere år er ensemblet også blevet en eftertragtet samarbejdspartner indenfor film- og gaming-musik. Indspilninger fra mere end 30 udgivelser er at finde på soundtracks til film som La Grande Bellezza og Arrival, ligesom ensemblet har arbejdet på filmprojekter med den danske dokumentarist Phie Amboe og den Oscar-nominerede islandske komponist Jóhann Jóhannsson. I løbet af 2018 medvirkede TOV i Kaija Saariahos opera Only the Sound Remains med forestillinger på både Palais Garnier in Paris, Teatro Real i Madrid og New Yorks Lincoln Center. Det blev også til orkesterproduktioner med BBC Philharmonic og London Symphony Orchestra. I 2010 modtog ensemblet en Grammy for David Langs The Little Match Girl Passion og var i 2013 nomineret til Nordisk Råds Musikpris. I 2023 modtog Paul Hillier Carl og Anne-Marie Carl Nielsens Legats hæderspris “for sit livslange utrættelige og passionerede arbejde som internationalt anerkendt specialist i vokalmusik.”
Theatre of Voices er udpeget som Specialensemble af Statens Kunstfond i perioden 2024-2027, hvor ensemblet vil arbejde for at styrke vokalmusikkens position både i Danmark og i udlandet.