“Last and First Men” @ Rewire Festival

On April 4, our soprano Else Torp joined Neon Dance at Het Nationale Theater for a chamber and dance theatre version of Jóhann Jóhannsson's 'Last and First Men' for the sold-out opening night of Rewire. Theatre of Voices sang the first performance and have toured the film and live orchestra version since 2017.

"A future race of humans finds itself on the verge of extinction. Almost all that’s left in the world are lone and surreal monuments, beaming their message into the wilderness. Across 2,000 million years, these last humans make contact with us, the first humans, telling their story and of their abilities, possibilities, and also their difference to us. The last humans not only offer their help, but also ask for help from us."

Pictures by Jan Rijk and Parsifal Werkman


Theatre of Voices Festival 2024 / 1200 - 1600 - 2000


Celebrate Easter with our performance of Steffani’s Stabat Mater!