Monastic Song
Track List
PETER ABELARD | O quanta qualia
PETER ABELARD | Virgines caste
PETER ABELARD | Planctus signe
ANONYMOUS | Quis dabit
ANONYMOUS | O monialis
ANONYMOUS | Rex obiit
ANONYMOUS | Plange, Castella
PETER ABELARD | De profundis
PETER ABELARD | Epithalamica
PETER ABELARD | Planctus David
Works of Abelard and the Codex Las Huelgas. Emotionally powerful and moving music by Peter Abelard, the most celebrated teacher of his time. Also a remarkable composer, Abelard wrote hymns and laments (planctus), six of which survive and are recorded here. Four planctus from the important Codex Las Huelgas complete this recording.